Unblock your Voice

Start your authentic vocal journey
and finally come out into the open

Join me February 9 at 20:00h CET for a one hour masterclass.

Unblock Your Voice is a FREE masterclass to help you to let go of blockages to let yourself be heard, embody your (sung) message and unleash your vocal potential.
Stop holding back and replace copying others with expressing yourself with authenticity and feel confident while doing it.


What If Singing and Expressing Your Voice Felt
Powerful, Easy and Authentic?

Most people think….

being a great speaker or singer is about talent, character,
or the ¨X-factor¨ even…

…but I believe that the X-factor is not a gift but a skill you can learn.

By accessing your own lifestory and emotions while you speak or sing, you will enter a realm of authentic expressing, that is always touching yourself and your audience. 

Singing is never about being perfect, but always about being true.

Wade with me in the digital waters, and let me show you how I help you get there.


¨Once you remember the sweetness of your own melody, life becomes such an easy song to sing¨

Singing and speaking (up) is so much more than just opening your mouth, trying to sound like your favourite artist. 

There is a whole world of sound and song within you * always *.

But right now you´re working within the framework you may have been given: just picture your audience naked to get rid of your anxiety, you need years of practice to get somewhere, or simply the believe that you a horrible voice.

You´ve been walking around in circles, while cherishing the wish to come out into the open for a long, long, time.

I want to guide you into how you can Unblock Your Voice -so that you can finally let yourself be heard… And touching and inspire the hearts of others while you do it.

Because when you open up for the possibility that you too can NAIL songs
and speak your Truth and Wisdom 
in a confident and authentic way, you´ll see the shifts start to happen:

✔️ Your voice will feel open, smooth and clear. You know how to communicate and sing from a place connected to your life and emotions 

✔️And you´ll have fun and feel empowered while doing it

But first… You need to Unblock Your Voice


Unblock Your Voice

A one hour voice libaration  masterclass

Discover how to express yourself with ease and confidence

The Basis of My Method
That I´ll Introduce You To

Voice Liberation

From feeling blocked and holding back… …to feeling free and authentic while using your voice. You´ll discover the healthy mindset to support yourself, and release blockages in the way to let your voice be heard authentically, like a true songbird!

Vocal Techniques

From being afraid of not knowing the right techniques, i will introduce you to…. being confident and skillful by embodying essential singing techniques……such as breath support, opening to create resonance, blending head and chest voice.

Embodiment of song

We´ll access inspiring songs and artists in a creative way so that you can stop copying others, but get people to cry through  singing music that you love in your unique way. Singing is not as hard as it seems, when you stop copying others, and start doing YOU!

Unblock your Voice is not for you if...

»You believe singing is impossible for you and there is no way trough it

»You only want to work on technique and think that´s the only way to improve your singing

»You believe it´s not in your power to get people to listen to what you have to sing or say


But Unblock Your Voice
is PERFECT for You if:

»You believe singing is possible – you just need someone to hand you the right tools

» You believe the time has come for you to speak up – so you can live your empowered and happy life 

» You´re curious about what looking into your current Block(s) will reveal about you and your next step on your expressing journey

» You want to approach working with your voice from a place of authenticity, strength and inner support

» You know that there is a way for you to start loving your voice, before it is perfect. And that that is the way to expand it into a faithful servant of your message

» You resonate with the magical combination of inner work, vocal technique and embodiment of your (sung) story

Sounds like the perfect blend of practical *and* magical?

You’re my people…

… So come on over and take the ride to Unblock Your Voice with us!

Hi! I'm Malou Swart — Top vocal coach, professional singer and .....

I believe that being a great singer and speaker, means being confidently connected to all parts of you that resonate along with your voice.

I have been profesionally singing since I was very young. But I only started to truly enjoy it since I
1. Cleared up my mental blocks (such as believing I´m not good enough (PERIOD), constantly listening and comparing myself to others etc.)
2. Allow myself to be ME, with all my emotions and life history that resonates with me when I sing or speak.

Since then it seems like I have tapped into a magical source that never dries up!

Hundreds of people have come to me, to learn to get into an empowered mindset, learn how to authenically embody their songs and stories, with a combination of right techniques.

It is my joyful purpose to make you express yourself in ways you never thought possible for yourself. 

So you´ll sing or speak in an authentic way that touches the hearts of many, including your own.

What Others Are Saying About Malou

With grace, humour and skill Malou taught me that I could indeed sing but what I did not expect, is that she also liberated the voice of my 13 year old self. I feel stronger, happier and more purposeful than ever before!
Liz Bingham
Business leader

Despite my serious lung problem, Malou managed to make me sing freely, shamelessly and from my heart by opening her magic door. Singing is now an expression of what I feel. What a joy and relief!
Primary school teacher

The first time for me to work with my voice was with Malou. I felt very comfortable right away. It went so much deeper than just teaching you the right techniques. To me it also was therapy. I finally dare to go on stage now. I totally recommend her!
Leonie Schuurman
Make-up Artist and Sound Healer​

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