in this magical workshop
From feeling blocked and holding back... feeling free and authentic while using your voice.
You´ll discover the healthy mindset to support yourself, and release blockages in the way to let your voice be heard authentically, like a true songbird!
From being afraid of not knowing the right techniques, you´re going to... confident and skillful by embodying essential singing techniques... ...such as breath support, opening to create resonance, blending head and chest voice.
We´ll access inspiring songs and artists in a creative way so that you can stop copying others, but get people to cry through singing music that you love in your unique way.
Singing is not as hard as it seems, when you stop copying others, and start doing YOU!
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It´s time to get out into the open!
I believe that being a great singer, means being confidently connected to all parts of you that resonate along with your voice.
Your strength is one of them. When you are connected to your unique power, your voice will florish. It knows you´ve got it´s back, and you will be able to sing in ways you never thought possible to yourself.
Malou (vocal coach, 37) helps hidden singers to sing in a way they never thought possible for themselves, and find their authentic voice. As a former spiritual caregiver in psychiatry and hospitals in the Netherlands, teacher of mindfulness and dance, a singer on TV, in musicals and theatre, she has a deeper vision on how to bring the world of music and spirituality together.